The Policy
This policy applies to all persons working for us or on behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, managers, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, agents, contractors and suppliers.
Bondline Electronics Ltd conducts all business, at all times, in an honest and ethical matter. Bondline are committed to ensuring that the Company operates professionally and takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.
Bondline will not accept or give a bribe to anyone to persuade or reward them to act in a way contrary to this policy and in an improper manner. This includes public officials who will not be influenced to perform their public duties.
No charitable donations will be given by Bondline for the sole purpose of gaining any commercial advantage. No donations will be given to political parties.
Gifts and Hospitality
This policy does not prohibit the giving and receiving of low-value promotional gifts and normal and appropriate hospitality. All members of staff must comply with the strong ethics of this Company ensuring any gifts or hospitality are either recorded or brought to the attention of the directors.
Record keeping
Company financial records will be kept and maintained to ensure that any payment to a third party has evidence of a business reason for that transaction. All expense claims relating to hospitality, gifts, and expenses incurred to third parties specifying the reason for the expenditure. All accounts, invoices, and other documents must be completed with accuracy and completeness.
Policy Monitoring
The effectiveness of this policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed. Employees will be encouraged to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of malpractice. Any concerns will not be detrimental to the employee in any event proven genuine or not genuine.
Copies of this policy will be displayed throughout the company, communicated to every employee and be available to all other interested parties.
Bondline Electronics Ltd.